Posts tagged 管理检测和响应 (耐多药)

8分钟 管理检测和响应 (耐多药)

耐多药, MEDR, SOCaaS: Which Is Right for You?

Let’s take a closer look at these three types of detection 和 response managed services to help you decide the best fit for your organization.

3分钟 管理检测和响应 (耐多药)

耐多药 Plus Threat Intel: 414 New 检测s in 251 Days (You’re Welcome)

现在, Threat Comm和’s threat intelligence platform (TIP) content is integrated with our leading detection 和 response products 和 services.

3分钟 检测和响应

Sharpen Your IR Capabilities With Rapid7’s 检测和响应 Workshop

Rapid7's 检测和响应 Workshop helps you determine if your tools can immediately detect 和 respond to threats.

4分钟 管理检测和响应 (耐多药)

Evaluating 耐多药 Vendors: A Pocket Buyer's Guide

Here are 4 big-picture questions to use as a quick-reference guide in the early stages of your 耐多药 vendor selection journey.

12分钟 恶意软件

Infostealer 恶意软件 Masquerades as Windows Application

Rapid7's 管理检测和响应 (耐多药) team recently identified a malware campaign whose payload installs itself as a Windows application.

3分钟 管理检测和响应 (耐多药)

New Rapid7 耐多药 Essentials Capability Sees What Attackers See: “It’s Eye-Opening”

We’re adding a new capability (和 report) to connect proactive 和 reactive security for our 耐多药 Essentials customers: Attack Surface Visibility.

3分钟 管理检测和响应 (耐多药)

Rapid7 耐多药 Named a Market Leader, Again!

Rapid7 is thrilled to be recognized as a Leader in the IDC MarketScape for 2021.


耐多药供应商必备条件, Part 10: Included Security 编制 和 Automation

This blog post is part of an ongoing series about evaluating 管理检测和响应 (耐多药) providers. For more insights, check out our guide, “10 Things Your 耐多药 Service Must Do.”

6分钟 管理检测和响应 (耐多药)

耐多药供应商必备条件, Part 9: Assigned 分析师 Pods 和 Security Program Advisors

This blog post is part of an ongoing series about evaluating 管理检测和响应 (耐多药) providers. For more insights, check out our guide, “10 Things Your 耐多药 Service Must Do.”

5分钟 管理检测和响应 (耐多药)

耐多药供应商必备条件, Part 8: Rapid7 Incident 响应 (Breach) 支持

Having the best threat detection methodologies, a streamlined 和 efficient process for validating threats, 和 a rock-solid reporting st和ard may still leave you open to unexpected costs.


耐多药供应商必备条件, Part 7: Managed 响应 Actions

Security teams face unprecedented challenges as the threat l和scape expands in scope 和 complexity. Protecting the organization in today’s environment has led to analyst fatigue, with many organizations struggling to respond to both user 和 host threats in a timely manner.

2分钟 管理检测和响应 (耐多药)

耐多药 Must-Haves, Part 6: Threat Validation 和 Detailed Reporting

Engaging a managed security service provider—either a traditional MSSP or 耐多药 provider—should never involve wasting your time.

4分钟 管理检测和响应 (耐多药)

耐多药供应商必备条件, Part 5: Multiple Threat 检测 Methodologies, Including Deep Attacker Behavior Analysis

The best 管理检测和响应 (耐多药) providers use a combination of threat intelligence, 用户行为分析(UBA), 攻击者行为分析(ABA), 和 human threat hunts to provide detection for threats 和 attackers.

2分钟 管理检测和响应 (耐多药)

耐多药供应商必备条件, Part 4: Ingestion of Authentication Data Across Local, 域, 和云源

There isn’t a single threat or breach that doesn’t involve attackers using legitimate credentials to cause harm.

2分钟 管理检测和响应 (耐多药)

耐多药供应商必备条件, Part 3: Ingestion of 其他 Technology Investments

By the time you’re ready to invest in a 管理检测和响应 (耐多药) service, you’ve likely already invested in a number of different security tools aimed at preventing threats 和 detecting breaches. 耐多药 is a continued investment in this technology, not always a pure replacement.