
An App 保护 测试程序 组织是否有持续评估和处理威胁的过程, 脆弱性, 总体风险 曝光 公司的内部和外部应用程序,以及它的api.

As damaging breaches continue to make headlines 和 government authorities bring regulatory pressure to bear on companies, many of them are implementing 应用程序安全测试 programs to gain better visibility into 跨应用程序的潜在安全问题 更有效地解决任何问题 Web应用程序漏洞 他们在这些应用程序投入生产之前找到.

应用程序安全性需要强大的跨职能协作 在公司内部, 包括跨越安全的团队, 软件开发, 审计, 行政管理, 以及各种业务功能. 为了获得最佳结果,组织应该这样做 在软件开发生命周期的早期包括应用程序安全性.e. DevSecOps),包括设计、开发、发布和升级阶段.

漏洞管理程序, an App 保护 program aims to catch vulnerabilities before they actually become accessible to the public or internally to the company.


公司实现应用程序安全程序有几个原因. 对于初学者来说, an App 保护 program can help shield 和 safeguard sensitive corporate 和 customer data. 它还可以帮助遵守, since some businesses may be required to have an App 保护 program in place for regulatory purposes. An effective 应用程序安全测试 program can also help shield a company from the legal, 金融, 以及违约的声誉后果.

With greater public awareness of data security concerns in light of ongoing high-profile data breaches, customers expect the companies with which they do business to protect their personal information. An App 保护 program can boost customer confidence 和 enhance a company’s br和 reputation by demonstrating that the organization is performing due diligence with respect to customer data.

Employees that work in a company with a strong security culture can even highlight 和 champion the importance of their employer’s investment in security, becoming knowledgeable about how to protect customer information such as personally identifiable information (PII) 和 personal health information (PHI).

最终, an App 保护 program can even potentially put a company in a stronger competitive position compared to other market players that fail to properly prioritize App 保护 in their own environments.


Although there are many frameworks for implementing an App 保护 program, OWASP’s Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM) st和s out as the method most businesses use. SAMM帮助公司评估他们现有的软件安全实践, 在定义良好的迭代中构建平衡的软件安全保证程序, demonstrate concrete improvements to a security assurance program with quick wins that build toward long-term goals, 并定义和度量组织内与安全相关的活动. SAMM includes a toolset 和 several resources for creating a strong App 保护 program, 和 it can be adapted to an organization’s unique risk tolerance model as it currently exists or even as it changes over time.

公司可以使用一个或多个 应用程序安全解决方案 as part of an App 保护 program, including Static App 保护 Testing (SAST), 动态应用程序安全测试 (DAST),交互式应用程序安全测试(IAST),以及 运行时应用安全保护(RASP). SAST和DAST, 例如, can automate the process of identifying potential vulnerabilities within the source code of an application or within an application that is running. last和RASP, 分别, test whether known vulnerabilities in code are exploitable in a running application 和 monitor an application’s behavior 和 the context of that behavior to automatically identify 和 protect against threats in real-time. 除了这些强大的功能, App 保护 tools can also facilitate better collaboration between the security 和 开发团队s. 


这四条建议可以帮助你确保求职成功 应用程序安全测试 计划:

1. 在软件开发生命周期(SDLC)的早期处理应用程序安全性 

Your organization can reduce the cost 和 time involved in addressing vulnerabilities by looking for them 在早期 SDLC. 否则, 您可能会冒着将带有漏洞的应用程序投入生产的风险, 增加了入侵的可能性. 你可能还会发现它要花更多的钱, 员工的时间, 在SDLC的后期修复问题比开始时更令人沮丧.

2. 建立合作关系 

使您的应用程序安全程序成功, 你的安全团队, 开发团队, 应用程序团队必须朝着一个共同的目标团结一致. If the development 和 application teams are not brought into the App 保护 program early on in a collaborative way, 安全问题可能会被搁置一边,可能没有得到适当的优先考虑.

Security teams can help foster good collaboration with their development colleagues by helping to automate integrations or implementing ChatOps. 在没有这种合作的情况下, 然而, the process could grind to a halt 和 the security team could simply end up throwing things over the fence that never get fixed.

3. 选择正确的应用程序安全工具

SAST和DAST are powerful tools for finding vulnerabilities 和 bugs within code earlier in the SDLC. These tools can even support better collaboration by giving developers far more visibility into 和 control over their own remediation activities.

这种方式, they can more easily address potential vulnerabilities well before an application goes into production. 然后,安全团队可以自由地专注于其他优先事项,如质量保证, 在预生产环境中度量风险, 确保涉众对安全计划的支持.

4. 用概念验证来评估您的工具

Once you’ve selected an App 保护 tool for use in your App 保护 program, test it out with a proof-of-concept (PoC) to see how it operates live in your environment. 这种方式, you can underst和 the impact the tool has on both your environment 和 your teams, highlighting potential integration or automation requirements that you may want to address prior to purchase.

An 应用程序安全测试 program is the most effective method for helping organizations improve their App 保护, continually enhancing a company’s ability to ensure proper App 保护 和 inspiring the kind of customer confidence that can even prove to be a competitive advantage. With strong internal collaboration that prioritizes security concerns early on in the SDLC, a business can implement an effective App 保护 program that balances business needs with security objectives.


