最后更新于2023年4月25日星期二23:14:22 GMT

Rapid7 was honored at the Belfast Telegraph's annual IT 奖, 星期五, taking home a pair of awards including the coveted “Best Place to Work in IT” in the large company category award, 和 the “Cyber Security Project of the Year” award, for groundbreaking machine learning research in application security. That research was conducted in collaboration with The Centre for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT) at Queen's University Belfast.

The team also took home a Highly Commended recognition for Best Use of Cloud services at the event.

The ability to work on meaningful projects that positively impact customers, being supported by a range of professional development opportunities, a culture rooted in connection 和 collaboration, 和 the invitation to explore new ways of thinking all came together in the submission to help earn them the “Best Place to Work” title.

Belfast has been regarded as one of the UK's fastest growing technology hubs. 现在已经超过 有30万人在科技行业工作 据《十大赌博官方正规网址》报道,这是北爱尔兰的一项调查. 对于Rapid7, an impressive business environment 和 the work being done in IT Security at the local universities were significant factors in the decision to join the Belfast community in 2014. This move was in line with Rapid7's goal of creating exceptional career experiences for their people 和 expanding operations to address a growing global customer base. In 2021, Rapid7 relocated to their newest office space 和 announced the addition of more than 200 new roles to the region.

Rapid7's win for Cybersecurity Project of the Year focused on the cutting-edge area of machine learning in application security. Their research sought to reduce the high level of false positives generated by vulnerability scanners — a pain point that has become all too common in today's digital environment. Rapid7's multi-disciplinary Machine Learning (ML) team in Belfast was able to create a way to automatically prioritize real vulnerabilities 和 reduce false positive friction for customers. Their work has been peer-reviewed by industry experts, 发表于学术期刊,并于 AISEC的 November 2022 event — where it was recognized with their “Best Paper Award.” AISEC is the leading venue for ML cybersecurity innovations.

Rounding out the evening was a Highly Commended recognition from the Telegraph for “Best Use of Cloud 服务.” The scale 和 speed of cloud adoption over the last number of years has caused an exponential growth in complex security challenges. Rapid7 showcased how their team in Belfast partnered with global colleagues to create an innovative 和 multi-faceted solution to manage Cloud Identity Risk across three major Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) — AWS, Azure和GCP. Their work has created a positive impact on Rapid7 customers by enabling secure cloud adoption faster than ever before.

Rapid7 is a company that is firmly rooted in their company values. Employees are encouraged to challenge conventional ways of thinking, 共同努力创造影响, 做客户的拥护者, bring their authentic selves 和 experiences to the table, 和 embrace the spirit of continuous learning 和 growth. The work represented in these awards is a testament to the incredible opportunities 和 experiences that are possible when these values are clearly modeled, celebrated 和 practiced in pursuit of a shared mission — creating a safer digital future for all.

For more information about working at Rapid7, check out rapid7.职业生涯.com

For more information on the Belfast Telegraph IT 奖 和 other winners, 点击这里.